Siemens 6ES7 317-2FK13-0AB0 Basic specifications
CPU class: S317-2 PN / DP
Program memory (EEPROM): 512 KB
Real-time cycles: max. 2048 cycles (4 ms max.)
User data memory (SRAM + DRAM): 288 KB
Non-Real Time Cycles: Unlimited
Built-in interfaces:
PROFINET (programming port and data bus communication)
PROFIBUS interface (front D-SUB connector, DP or FMS communication and programming interface)
Expansion interface
MMC interface
Logical and sequential control
PROFINET and PROFIBUS communications
Recipe management
Built-in PID control
Ethernet communications with S7, TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP and SNMP protocols
Full PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) functionality
Supports up to 6 expansion modules to expand I/O and controller functionality
Programming with TIA Portal or STEP 7 (optional software required)
Compatible with various Siemens I/O modules
DIN rail mounting (3 wide modules)
Standard DC voltage supply (24, 48 V DC)
Common applications
Systems with medium to high performance and real-time communication requirements
Industrial automation (eg, manufacturing machines, assembly lines)
Process control
Building automation
Energy and infrastructure