Hengstler 0522507 Description: Hengstler 0522507 is a 5-digit electromechanical counter with gear mechanism and a counting speed of up to 15 counts per second. It is designed for use in industrial and commercial applications.
Number of digits: 5
Count range: 0-99999
Counting speed: Up to 15 counts per second
Supply voltage: 24-240 VAC/DC or 12-240 VAC/DC
Power consumption: 2 VA
Reset type: Manual
Dimensions: 48 x 48 x 57 mm
Weight: About 150 g
Mounting: On DIN rail
Large and clear display
Robust and reliable mechanism
Wide supply voltage range
Simple manual reset
Easy DIN rail mounting
Applications: The Hengstler 0522507 meter is used in various applications including:
Counting objects produced
Counting people
Counting vehicles
Inventory control
Liquid or gas flow measurement
Automation applications